"Was Bohumil Hrabal a Politically Engaged Writer?" here
bohumil hrabal
Bohumil Hrabal was born in 1914 in Brno-Židenice, Moravia, and spent his childhood in Nymburk, a place that forms the backdrop for many of his stories. He came to Prague in the late 1930s
to study at the Law School of Charles University, settling permanently in the city after the Second World War ended. An initial flirtation with Surrealism and poetry gave way to "total realism"
and a focus on prose, which drew on his time working at the Kladno ironworks in the 1950s. Over the subsequent decades he held a variety of jobs while continuing to write a great number of
stories and novels. Considered a major stylistic innovator and one of the greatest Czech writers of the 20th century, many contemporary Central European authors now point to Hrabal as an influence,
and he has received some of the top literary awards at home and abroad. Among his most renowned works are Closely Watched Trains, I Served the King of England, and Too Loud a Solitude.
In February 1997, Hrabal flew out of his hospital window while feeding the pigeons never to return.
published by TSP
Total Fears
The Tender Barbarian
also by the author:
Closely Watched Trains
Too Loud a Solitude
I Served the King of England
The Little Town Where Time Stood Still
In-House Weddings
Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age
Harlequin's Millions
Murder Ballads & Other Legends