Listen to Rühm read his work here
A video about Rühm's work here
Other work by Rühm in English translation : I My Feet
gerhard rühm
Born in Vienna, Austria, in 1930, writer, composer, visual artist Gerhard Rühm is truly one of the key figures
of the postwar European avant-garde, whose earliest work dates to the late 1940s. One of the first practitioners
of concrete poetry and a founding member of the legendary Wiener Gruppe in the 1950s, he studied music for many years,
and this has had a lasting impact on his multifaceted work with its amalgams of music and language and image and text.
The result has been a decades-long exploration of a broad range of forms — poetry, prose, radio plays, drama scenarios,
music compositions, visual compositions, collages, and graphic art — drawing on a lineage that can be traced to Dadaism and Surrealism
to Dark Romanticism. His more recent work cleverly incorporates pornographic motifs while skewering the Church and
often invoking the aesthetics of ugliness, vulgarity, and banality. Rühm has received numerous awards, including the
Austrian State Prize in 1991 and the America Award in Literature in 2022. He currently divides his time between Cologne and Vienna.
published by TSP :
cake & prostheses