tereza novická
Born in California to Czech parents who fled the communist regime at home, Tereza Novická grew up in San Francisco before moving
to the Czech Republic in 2000, where she completing her MA in American Literature at Charles University in Prague. She has translated
a number of Czech and Slovak poets into English, including Ondřej Buddeus, Sylva Fischerová, Nóra Ružičková, Olga Pek, and Jan Škrob.
She is the co-translator of The Absolute Gravedigger and
Woman in the Plural by Vítězslav Nezval, and the translator of
Aviaries and Ceilings by Zuzana Brabcová, as well as the monograph Ludvík Šváb: Tidy Up After I Die.
translations published by TSP
The Absolute Gravedigger
Woman in the Plural