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Twisted Spoon Press

PO Box 21 - Preslova 12, 150 21 Prague 5, Czech Republic

  guy torr

Guy Torr lives and works in Krakow where he is a senior lecturer in English Language at Jagiellonian University. He has worked as a lexicographer and translator for many years and has contributed to the Wielki słownik polsko-angielski (2004) and Larousse's Praktyka metoda nauki słownictwa (2005). Since 1996 he has worked as a Russian-Polish-English translator for the trilingual lexicon of Russian thought Ideas in Russia published by the University of Łódź. During his years of cooperation with Jagiellonian University’s Institute of Oriental Philology he has translated a number of volumes on the literature of the Arabian Gulf, most recently Modern Poetry and Prose of Bahrain (2006) and Translating Traditions: Thurayya al-Baqsami (2009). His research interests focus on the problematic nature of literary translation, and he has published a number of papers on Chekhov in English.


published by TSP:
The Legs of Izolda Morgan

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