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Twisted Spoon Press

PO Box 21 - Preslova 12, 150 21 Prague 5, Czech Republic

Tomaz Salamun


special issue of Transom

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  tomaž šalamun

Tomaž Šalamun was born in 1941 in Zagreb, Croatia and raised in Koper, Slovenia. He took a degree in Art History from the University of Ljubljana, and before devoting himself to poetry he worked as a conceptual artist. Having published more than thirty collections of poetry in his home country, he was recognized as one of the leading poets in Central Europe. His honors included the Preseren Fund Prize, the Jenko Prize, a Pushcart Prize, a visiting Fulbright to Columbia University, and a fellowship to the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. His work appeared widely in English translation, and he regularly spent time in the U.S., having served as Cultural Attaché for Slovenia in New York. He was married to the painter Metka Krašovec. Šalamun died December 27, 2014, in Ljubljana.


published by TSP:

A Ballad for Metka Krašovec

also by the author:
The Selected Poems
Four Questions of Melancholy
The Book for My Brother
Woods and Chalices
There's the Hand and There's the Arid Chair
The Blue Tower
On the Tracks of Wild Game

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