More about the author
here and here
"The Insidious Poison of Degeneration: Vampires in Czech Decadence," by Kirsten Lodge, pdf here
"Stagnant Waters"
"The Death of Salomé"
"The Roses of St. Sebastian"
jiří karásek ze lvovic
Jiří Karásek was born on January 24, 1871, in the Smíchov district of Prague. A poet, critic, writer of short stories and novels, he was perhaps the leading
representative of Czech Decadence. An avid collector of graphic art and modern art, he served for a time as editor of the periodical
Czech Bibliophile. He also took an interest in occultism and was a member of Universalia, an association of Czech hermeticists
(he attached "ze [von] Lvovic" to his name as he claimed to be a descendant of the 16th-century astronomer and astrologer Cyprián Karásek Lvovicky ze Lvovic).
In 1894, Karásek co-founded Modern Revue [Moderní revue], which became the leading organ for Czech Decadence, also publishing
books and introducing in Czech translation the work of French Symbolists and Decadents (as well as the work of Paul Leppin).
It was in the pages of the journal that Karásek came out publicly in defense of homosexuality (during Oscar Wilde's trial), a courageous and controversial stance to take at the time,
and for him something akin to "coming out." Karásek died on March 5, 1951, in Prague, and his collection of modern art,
one of the most extensive in Europe, was "nationalized" and is now housed in Czech museums.
published by TSP:
A Gothic Soul