read an essay on Kányádi here
and an interview here
sándor kányádi
Sándor Kányádi was born in 1929 in the small
Transylvanian village of Galambfalva to a family of farmers. Since 1950 he lived in Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca) Romania.
A graduate in Hungarian philology from Bólyai University, he served as editor on a number of Hungarian-language journals
and magazines. Since his first book of poetry appeared in 1955 he published over a dozen volumes. His translation work included
both Saxon folk poetry and Yiddish folk poetry from Transylvania – in bilingual volumes – as well as contemporary
Romanian poets and the major German and French poets of the 19th and 20th centuries. His was the recipient of the Poetry Prize
of the Romanian Writers' Union and the Kossuth Prize in Hungary, the preeminent literary awards of their respective countries,
the Austrian Herder Prize, and the Central European Time Millennium Prize (2000). Kányádi passed in June 2018 – an obituary
by translator Paul Sohar is here.
published by TSP:
Dancing Embers
read more of Kányádi's poetry here