photo: ČTK
zuzana brabcová
Zuzana Brabcová (1959-2015) was born in Prague to the literary historians Jiří Brabec, a signatory of Charter 77, and Zina Trochová. Denied by the Communist regime
the opportunity to study at university, she worked as a librarian, hospital attendant, and a cleaning lady. After the regime fell in 1989, had a short stint at
the Ministry of Interior before serving as an editor at Prague publishing houses. Her first novel, Far from the Tree, came out abroad in samizdat in 1987,
and was awarded the very first Jiří Orten Prize, and officially published in Prague a few years later. In 2000, she published The Year of Pearls,
a groundbreaking novel for Czech society at the time about coming out as lesbian. Her novel Ceilings appeared in 2012, receiving the Magnesia Litera Award for Prose
Book of the Year, and it was followed by the short novel Aviaries in 2016, completed just before her untimely death and winning the Josef Škvorecký Award
for best work of fiction.
published by TSP:
Far from the Tree
[forthcoming 2026]