photo: Viktor Stoilov
Read an interview here
A clip of PZ and DG307
performing here and
Nosferatu (part 1) here
pavel z.
Pavel Z. (1951-2024) was born in Prague. During the 1970s he and his experimental band DG307 were part of
the unofficial cultural underground that was severely persecuted by Czechoslovakia's communist regime. In 1976 he
was sentenced to a year in prison, along with members of the Plastic People of the Universe, for "disturbing the peace,"
after having been initially charged with "state subversion," which the authorities had to back away from after receiving
worldwide condemnation. This trial provided the impetus for the emergence of the human rights declaration and movement
Charter 77. Exiled in 1980, Pavel Z. lived in Sweden, where he took citizenship, and then New York City for several years
before returning to Prague in the mid-1990s. He continues to play and record with DG307 and has had a number of volumes
of his poetry and prose published over the past decade.
published by TSP:
Time Is a Mid-Night Scream